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Federation News

Read the latest news and stories from Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City

Jewish Changemakers Fellowship Prepares New Generation Of Leaders

Earlier this year, as college students and recent grads were absorbing the disappointments of canceled internships and Birthright trips, they began wondering how they’d pass the long summer months. The answer came in the form of a question: Are you ready to be a Changemaker?

Jewish Federa…

Smashing Our Personal Idols: A Message From Our President & CEO

Smashing your personal idols… Lekh L’kha... Go forth…

This has been an emotionally challenging week for many dealing with Yom Kippur, our political climate and increases in COVID cases in many parts of our country. Emotions have risen to the surface and angry discourse and controversy…

Hineni, I Am Here: A Yom Kippur Message From Our President & CEO

Hineni... Here I am...

Hineni is a prayer recited by the cantor prior to the Musaf service on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. This word conveys millennia of Jewish transformation and acceptance of responsibility. Although this prayer is said by the cantor, every worshipper is responsible for …

High Holiday Recipe: Baked Salmon Gefilte Fish

Submitted by Henri Gaeddert, YAD Outreach Chair. Adapted from Jaime Geller's recipe.

Ditch the jelly Manischewitz gefilte fish this High Holiday season. Instead, make your bubbe proud and learn to bake your own salmon gefilte fish loaf! Explore your creativity by preparing this recipe in di…

Hope, The Gift Of Judaism: A Message From Our President & CEO

Hope, the gift of Judaism.

I’ve been reading the extra psalm, Psalm 27, during this month of Elul and am inspired by the reference to hope. In this psalm, David shares a message of hope with the Jewish people that prayers may not be answered the first time, but we should not lose faith. W…